pascal jungblut
Here are some longer posts and short thoughts (like Semi-simple C linting with vim and clangd, Blurry PDF preview with TexShop, BDD, ...).

(De)activate ipv6 on OS X

Ipv6 works pretty well and more content is availible every day. Still, sometimes you want to deactivate it completely - for me my SixXS was dropping too many packets, so I temporarily wanted ipv4 only. On OS X it’s easy to deactivate ipv6. First, find your network device: $ networksetup -listallnetworkservices An asterisk (*) denotes that a network service is disabled. Bluetooth DUN Ethernet FireWire Wi-Fi iPhone USB Bluetooth PAN Then deactivate ipv6 on that device: More...

Alchemy CMS

Last week I was searching for a CMS to implement a relatively simple project. There are plenty of these written in PHP in all flavors one can imagine. From the only-some-pages-Joomla to the enterprise-size TYPO3 and Drupal. Especially the latter are pretty mature. However, they all have a common disadvantage for me: PHP. I don’t want to get worked up over PHP, but compared to Ruby it’s just less fun and fun is an important part of programming to me. More...
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